LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center

The LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center opened in Fall 2015 as a part of the LoboRESPECT Initiative. The LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center provides a safe and welcoming environment and serves as a confidential/anonymous reporting location for students to receive support and advocacy services for a number of areas. The LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center is committed to helping students understand and navigate UNM’s structure and assist in resolving issues they may encounter at the university. We provide personal advocacy from start to finish with a single point of entry for students to come for information, assistance and support. We serve the UNM community by providing resources and education in an effort to promote student success.

  • We are a confidential/anonymous reporting location
  • We offer education training through workshops and peer educators
  • Our student group provides outreach and awareness

In addition to our advocacy efforts, the LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center also provides absence notifications, domestic partnership privileges, military and semester withdrawals, student death notices and tuition refund appeals. Finally, the LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center can assist parents, faculty and staff in their efforts to support students here at UNM.


Visit the LoboRESPECT Website