
The reporting options listed below are NOT emergency services or monitored 24/7. In an emergency, call 911 or contact UNM Police Department at (505) 277-2241.

Academic Dishonesty

Submit a report of alleged academic dishonesty.

CARE Referral

Submit a CARE referral for a student of concern.

Civil Right, Sexual Misconduct, and Title IX

Submit a report of alleged violations of civil rights or incidents of sexual misconduct.


An all-purpose portal that can be used to report violations related to academics, Human Resources, research, environmental safety, and more.


Every individual deserves to pursue their education free of hazing. Submit a report of alleged hazing.

Student Conduct 

Submit a report of alleged non-academic misconduct (for example, alcohol or drug violations, vandalism, or theft)

Confidential advocacy is available for instances of sexual misconduct. Request an advocate at the LoboRESPECT Advocacy CenterLGBTQ Resource Center, or Women's Resource Center.

For questions or concerns about these reporting options, please contact the Dean of Students Office or Office of Compliance, Ethics and Equal Opportunity